Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I never posted this, sorry

Well, I now know what happens when you take all the possible food allergens out of your diet for 5 weeks and feel great, then splurge and have Taco Bell with both dairy and wheat in it -- you spend a lot of time sick!!! It has been over a week since I have been on here, I had finals for school due last week, and all the stress of finals lead me to stress eat and eat my favorite food -- Taco Bell. It was great, it tasted wonderful!! But I ended up sick on my stomach and puffy all over!! Oh, and I downed a fair share of Dr Pepper too over the weekend. So I am now in the detox mode, drinking lots of water and eating only food that is on my diet. I finally felt better last night, but woke up with a killer of a headache this morning. The headache, I am sure, is from caffeine with drawls.

So I went to the grocery store last night, came home and as I was putting all the pantry groceries away this morning, I realized that my pantry is now full of organic foods and plain foods with no allergy foods in them. I have fallen over to the healthy food way of life. My family is starting to get on board. Chris eats pretty much what I do, Zach could care less, as long as I feed him. Katelynn is the one with a little resistance, but she is coming along!!

I am looking forward to having my allergy testing done in a few weeks to see what foods I am actually allergic too. Today is my last day on the anti-biotic to clear up the gut-bugs (bacteria in my digestive system) I have only had minimal allergic reactions to the anti-biotic, nothing some benedryl didn't curb. So I am still on several herbal pills to help clear up the gut-bugs and also to cleanse my liver!! So off to get the little ones to school!!

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